Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nature's Awesome Power...

We were visiting our friends the day after 4th of July about 10 miles north of our house. It started getting dark so we headed outside to checkout the weather. I caught this amazing wall cloud coming toward the house.

Good thing it missed their house, because the area where the storm cloud hit, there were trees down and power outages.

I also snapped a couple pictures of the clouds above us because of the spinning action they were showing.

The clouds were spinning above us...

and then the sky had stripes....


Michelle Quinno said...

Wow, very cool! I shared your other photos with my son and he loved the storm ones best. He thought they were all amazing though!

Linda Murphy said...

Those are awesome photos! Wow!

Linsey M. said...

We have those skys in Texas too. You got great pics!