Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A "Superior" weekend...

We had a blast up in Duluth this past weekend! We had a snowboard competition at Giants Ridge and then stayed at "The Edge" waterpark in Duluth.

Tristin competed in Slolom and Giant Slolom and took 5th place and 2 6th places. He also was going to compete in Boarder Cross, but on the first turn, he got edged off the run and went flying and crashed into a snow fence. He had a little trip to the Ski Patrol building on a snowmobile! He bruised his ankle but he competed the next day! Way to Go Tristin!

This is the only picture I got of Tristin's trip
to the Ski Patrol. I had my zoom lens on and
was way to close to get any good photos!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Awesome photos...

I took some photos today out on the hill and got some awesome results!

Some of them I have included some test images too!

You will see the original and then the test photos using

different settings from PhotoShop.

Gradient- Metal

Gradient- Metal


Gradient Metal -Reverse..............................................Gradient Metal


Threshold settings

Gradient - Blue and Brown................................................... Gradient- Metal

Threshold Setting..............................................Channel Mixer

The rest are all originals...

A Perfect Sunset!

Some of the older kids let me take their picture too!

Original.................................Auto Contract................................Original

Threshold Setting................................................Original


Threshold Setting...........................................Posterized

Gradient - Metal

ready for snowmobiling layout...

Quick digital layout of Emmet ready for snowmobiling!


Yikes...Emmet snowmobiling??? That is scary!!! Emmet has NEVER been on a snowmobile before and is going with one of our friends. I would feel better about it, but our friend is a little accident prone...ok... A LOT ACCIDENT PRONE!
Even the girls were scared when he came home in this getup! My first thought was "OH MY GOSH...How much did he spend on that???" and then "Where in the world do you go to buy something like that?" Good thing he only borrowed it from one of our friends!
NOTICE: The suit jacket hanging out the bottom of the leather jacket!!
Even Hailey wanted to get a closer look!

He hadn't even left the house and he hurt himself! LOL Good thing we have life insurance!