Roll Out the Red Carpet...
The wait for High School Musical 2 finally ended last Friday night, when it premiered on Disney Channel. We went all out with a red carpet premier party. Megan had her friends dress in the red carpet fashions and Tristin put on his suit and tie.
(Megan and Tristin together) (Snack Bar ready for guests!)
Guests arrived to a red carpet leading to the house and a personal escort, Tristin.
We set up a snack bar in the kitchen, where the guests could turn in tickets for
candy, soda, popcorn and hotdogs.
That is just so cute !!! ;-). Glad that your ds was also into it .. hehe ..escorting and keeping the girls fed. lol.
My son was lovin' it! He is so into girls because he has always been around girls...between my daughter and our neighbor who has 3 girls too!
His wife will LOVE him!
That looks like so much fun for the kids!
You write very well.
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